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Moving Portraits Project Trailer!

Moving Portraits Project Trailer!

Jul 21, 2015 bryanalano

Last December, a couple of my friends and I went to the Philippines and started a project called Moving Portraits Project. We went there without knowing how much impact we could make to someones life. I am way beyond excited to be able to share this documentary that I shot and directed. We are on our final stages on the editing and I cant wait to share all their stories. For now here’s the trailer.

In the Philippines, one million amputees will go their whole lives without any chance of gaining a prosthetic. Disabilities segregate and debase Filipinos socially, politically, and economically. This is all worsened because of the lack of a developed health care system, as it forces amputees to be heavily reliant on their family and cause financial distress. This is especially true for those who are already living in poverty. Moreover, those fortunate to acquire an artificial limb often get recycled hand-me-downs from other countries. The acquisition of a prosthetic means independence and a better chance to work and support the individual’s family. The Moving Portraits Project plans to donate high-quality, brand new prosthetics to impoverished amputees and bring cutting-edge manufacturing technology to Filipino prosthetists.


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